Food that is thrown away can be turned into delicious, healthy dishes. Using new technology, food researchers have created fibrous ingredients from imperfect root vegetables, peas and mushrooms. This method could be very important for developing new vegan food products and simultaneously serve as a major contribution to reducing food waste. When buying vegetables in…
The three films with the common theme “Less is More” are edited into one film that presents findings from the project. Check it out by clicking on the play button below! All films produced during the project are available on our Films page.
“Less is more” is the theme of the films where we present research and discoveries from the InProVe project. The most recent film, “Less pollution – More yield” shows how new methods can increase value from carrot production without using chemicals. Enjoy!
Scientists have asked consumers across Europe about their microwave habits. Their answers suggest that many do not know how they should best use their microwave to cook healthy and nutritious meals. Despite the fact that the microwave is a natural fixture in many modern kitchens, it seems that there are very few people who use…
By Trond Løvdal, Nofima; Bart Van Droogenbroeck, ILVO; Ferruh Erdogdu, Ankara University; David Alonso de Mezquia, Mondragon University; Sema Demir, CRIFFC; Yildiray Istanbullu, CRIFFC The pros and cons of international collaboration; from the researchers’ perspective. The message was devastating: A whole pallet of food items on its way to our research partner in central Europe…