
Healthier, juicier vegan burgers from vegetable waste

Food that is thrown away can be turned into delicious, healthy dishes. Using new technology, food researchers have…

Project insights in new film

The three films with the common theme “Less is More” are edited into one film that presents findings…

New film: Less pollution – More yield

“Less is more” is the theme of the films where we present research and discoveries from the InProVe…

You can prepare tasty and healthy food with your microwave oven - just like any other oven.

Many Europeans lack knowledge of proper microwave use

Scientists have asked consumers across Europe about their microwave habits. Their answers suggest that many do not know…

European researchers gathered for the Susfood2 midterm meeting in Gent, 2019.

EU research collaboration: Success or failure?

By Trond Løvdal, Nofima; Bart Van Droogenbroeck, ILVO; Ferruh Erdogdu, Ankara University; David Alonso de Mezquia, Mondragon University;…

Screenshot of Teams meeting

Progress despite covid-19 challenges

Physical meetings have been substituted by virtual meetings this spring. On June 16th, fifteen InProVe partners met for…

Prototypes toroid cans

A hole in the can may provide better canned food

By Lidunn Mosaker Boge, Nofima Canning is a sustainable way of storing food, but the method requires a…

InProVe researchers reunited at EFFoST 2019

Several InProVe researchers presented their work at the food science and technology conference EFFoST in Rotterdam, the Netherlands…

Third project meeting

This is what it looks like when partners from five countries and seven partners meet over the internet!…

Food waste on the agenda

On October 6th, Belgian research institute ILVO welcomed 1200 visitors in their Food Pilot to learn about food…

What do you know about microwave food?

During the Norwegian science festival in September, Nofima researchers presented a quiz about microwave food to families visiting…

Banning canning is a misunderstanding

By Morten Sivertsvik, head of research at Nofima and board member of Teknologisk Matforum, and Dagbjørn Skipnes, senior…

InProVe researcher in TV show

Bart Van Droogenbroech was invited to participate in an episode of the belgian TV series “Over eten” (‘About…

Front page of presentation held at Interpom 2018.

Interpom 2018 – InProVe presented

On November 26th, Bart Van Droogenbroeck from ILVO participated in the Interpom-Primeurs trade fair at Kortrijk XPO. During…

Happy researchers and industry partners in Gothenburg.

Project meeting in Gothenburg

13 project participants met at RISE in Gothenburg, Sweden on Nov. 27.-28. for updates and planning of activities.…

PEF School 2019

For everyone interested in the Pulsed Electric Fields technology and its applications, this is a good opportunity to…

How do you use the microwave?

We are curious about your habits! European scientists in InProVe are improving food products using novel food technologies,…

ISEKI: Integrating Food Science and Engineering Knowledge Into the Food Chain

InProVe Researcher Receives IFA Acacemy award

Professor Ferruh Erdogdu of Ankara University has been nominated as fellow of the IFA-Academy (ISEKI-Food Association). [caption id=”attachment_133″…

The project group gathered at the kickoff meeting in Stavanger, Norway in April 2018

InProVe successfully kicked off

In April, the project group was gathered at Nofima’s facilities in Stavanger, Norway, to kick off the InProVe…

Potato products.

Less potato waste and better food with new technologies

As we know, the potato is a versatile fellow which can be utilized in a number of ways.…