InProVe successfully kicked off

In April, the project group was gathered at Nofima’s facilities in Stavanger, Norway, to kick off the InProVe project.
All partners presented themselves and the work they will be doing in the project. The meeting continued with planning activities and discussing opportunities. The group also had an interesting visit at Hoff’s production facility in Klepp.
– We are happy for the good atmosphere, and look forward to the cooperation on developing the potato and vegetable industries, says project coordinator Trond Løvdal.
People in the photo above: Ferruh Erdogdu, Ankara University; Trond Løvdal, Nofima; Dagbjørn Skipnes, Nofima; Bernd Lambrechts, Greenyard Prepared; Bart van Droogenbroeck, ILVO; Birgitta Raaholt, RISE; Gaute Njå, Hoff; Sema Demir, CRIFFC; Knud Einar Søyland, Fjordland.