Progress despite covid-19 challenges

Screenshot of Teams meeting
Project partners are still keeping in touch, although we can't yet meet in person. Photo: Screenshot of Teams meeting

Physical meetings have been substituted by virtual meetings this spring.

On June 16th, fifteen InProVe partners met for a project status update meeting on the Teams platform.

Because of the covid-19 pandemic lockdowns, the planned meetup in Gothenburg this past March could not take place. It was substituted by a virtual meeting in April.

“Although both trials and the placement of equipment have had to be postponed, several experiments have also been possible to conduct. We have also focused on publications”, says project coordinator Trond Løvdal.

  • Experiments with toroid cans in combination with various ways of moving the cans inside the autoclave – both rotation, shaking, swinging and end-over-end rotation, have been conducted, revealing great opportunities for time and energy savings when using movement or rotation.
  • Experiments with PEF as a pre treatment on carrots have also been carried out, aimed at extracting beta-carotens.
  • Modeling and simulation studies have been carried out despite the confinement to home office.

The two PhD students from ILVO and Ankara University who have planned to stay with RISE and Nofima the coming semester, are still hoping to be able to complete their exchange stay as planned.